Crisis Reveals Character

Apr 13, 2020

As a high performance coach, I am concerned about how my clients are handling their performance in this time of crisis.

Things changed seemingly quickly.  The health-system crisis.  The economic crisis. Our leadership crisis.  The education crisis.  

Under normal circumstances, life can be stressful.  We have entered a world where our perceived risk and change has drastically increased.  Anyone else feeling the same way?

It sucks.  No way to sugar coat it.  Here's the thing.

Crisis reveals character.

I don't remember where I first heard or started using this phrase, yet it's true.  We are all now being tested.  

How are you showing up?  

Are you building masks for hospitals?  Are you complaining about being stuck at home with your family?   Are you fostering blame on "other" groups, so you feel better?  Are you working to help the vulnerable in your community get groceries?  Are you the calm within the storm, or the strong gale that levels everything around you?

Again, how are you showing up?

If you feel these questions are too challenging right now, you are probably right.  But we are all being tested on multiple fronts.  As individuals.  As communities.  As nations, and as the world.  

Now is the time to step up, to stand tall, and to get working on making the future better.  The near future as we weather COVID-19, and the real work of rebuilding after the storm has passed.

HOW are you showing up?  How will you show up tomorrow?

If you don't know how then define how your best self would show up tomorrow.

If you're struggling economically then set how you are going to hustle today, tomorrow, and every day to eat and get paid. 

If you feel overwhelmed with anxiety, fear, or anxiousness, then set up how you are going to find your center.  Everyday.

If you need help finding more positivity in your life each day, follow me on Facebook because every morning I go live to set an intention for the day.  Check it out here. It's one of the ways I offer to help, for free.  

If you need help figuring out how to stay focused, manage stress, plan for your future, you might want to check out getting a coach.  The first call is free after you fill out a free questionnaire.  

You can check that out at if that is something of interest to you.

I want to continue to serve and help you succeed and grow.  It's a tough time, and we have an excellent opportunity to lead and build, despite all the challenges we currently face.

I know I am probably preaching to the choir.  Many of you probably didn't need the reminder that our character matters the most right now.  For those who needed to hear this, everyone is watching you.

Show up.  Be kind.  Take care of each other.




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