Where to start your personal development journey?

Jun 30, 2019

It's been a little bit since my last post.  I've been trying to figure out how to be an entrepreneur since it's my main gig now!  Which is super exciting and tougher than I thought.

I've had some folks ask me about where to start when you want to self-develop or improve, and it got me thinking about how I got started.

I used to struggle with overwhelm, stress, and despair when I was younger.  Those are pretty loaded terms and seem hyperbolic.  Essentially I was working crazy hours, not making enough money to cover my student loans and basic life essentials.  So - stress, overwhelm, despair.

It took me about a half a year to get fed up and decide something needed to change. That decision started my whole journey on self-improvement and taking control of my life.  

That decision lead to four common areas of growing (summary from video):

  1. Focus - Where do you want to go?  What deserves attention?
  2. Meditation - How do you clear your mind?  What can you do to clear emotions and let yourself think?
  3. Connection - What is worth improve or changing for?  What fills your cup, and can you do more of that daily?
  4. Clarity - Who are you?  How do you want to show up every day?  What does the next greatest quality of life look like to you?

Whether you are beginning your journey, or are reconnecting with it, these four areas of questioning can get your momentum towards a better you.  Take some time to write out your responses to these questions, and notice what comes up for you.  I know it ended up changing my life, and I hope it impacts you positively too!

 If you liked this video, and want more training I have a program called 'Level Up! Monthly', and we are going live tomorrow. 

You can test it out for just $1 for a week, then it's $29/mo.  That gets you access to the member's area, worksheets, and the awesome community.  All for 1/3 the price of a cup of coffee! 

Interested? Learn more here: https://www.shawnbuttner.com/pl/77357



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